Richard was picked by his grandmother at the end of November, Richard made us so happy, I am calling him our Miracle baby....... If you can read our blog from August 23, you can read his story.. It is again a sad story, but the ending is somehow happy. Look at the two pictures from before and after........

The first picture is taken on August 18, when Richard came into Amecet he was 4 months old, The second picture is taken 3 months later!!!
We received a call from a mission hospital in the village that there was a very malnourished baby with a very sick mother. We drove there and talked with the grandmother, the mother and the hospital personnel. The mother was HIV+ and was only recently started on the ARV medicines. She was very sick and very weak. She was happy that we wanted to care for Richard, who was also in a very serious condition. He was only 4 months old and his weight was 1.9 kg... The mother and the grandmother loved the little boy, but the grandmother couldn't cope with caring for her daughter and the grandson. It was sad to see the mother saying goodbye to her son (see picture) we didn't know it would be the last time she was holding him, we really hoped for the best, even we knew they were both in critical condition...
We took Richard to Amecet and stayed in contacted with the personnel of the hospital. A week later, I send her some pictures of Richard, he was doing already much better and he was drinking well. The mother saw the pictures and I was told that she was so happy with them.. But then the day later she died, her condition was too serious, the medicines came too late and the HIV virus too strong.... It was a sad day.....
In the meantime, we took Richard to the doctor, for HIV tests and other blood tests, we took him for immunization and we fed him with a good feeding schedule. He started to gain and develop like a normal baby. Started to smile and react to people. We were all so happy when his HIV tests came back negative!! This was for sure a Miracle!!!! Everybody loved him, he was so much loved by the caretakers and when we started to feed him porridge he started to gain even more... He smiled the whole day and was making baby language. We really missed him after his grandmother came to pick him. His grandmother was really happy with him, missing her daughter but having her son to care for helped the pain a little bit.. When I am honest, I was scared, in the beginning, that we would loose him, but seeing him going home as a happy, healthy boy, made me so happy, this is why we do this work, this is such a reward for all the worrying and running to the doctor and going after test results, feeding schedules and medicines. We know that God has His hand on this little boy and we are thankful that we could be part of this Miracle,,,,

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