Sad stories....

Gepubliceerd op 15 maart 2024 om 13:03

We hear a lot of sad stories, when they bring children to Amecet and we see a lot of suffering children. Aaron is around 3 years old, he was abused by relatives. There were old scars and new wounds... It looks like burn wounds and our hearts went towards this little boy. You could see the plea for help in his eyes... His hands were the worst, and we had to cover the wounds for the danger of infection. He enjoyed the care we gave, the food he was offered to eat and the hugs and love we gave him. Our social workers went to the village, to see the situation and the family will not place him back to the aunt and uncle he was with before. His mother loves him, but she can't look after him because of the stroke she has suffered from. Still we will try to place him back to his mother and other relatives. For now, he is still with us, he is doing well, playing with the other children, his wounds are healed, his weight id gaining and he laughs a lot!!!


Josephine was born during a heavy rain pour. Her mother was home alone, with her 3 other children (8, 6 and 3 years old). The heavy rain pour was going on for 2 hours and Josephine was born. The mother gave birth on her own, but she started to bleed. When the rain stopped and help came, they brought her to the health centre nearby, but it was too late, she died on arrival in the health centre.






Rebecca was born in December 2023, just after her father has died in a accident with a motorbic. When she was 2 months old (Feb. 2024) her mother died also in an accident, while holding rebecca in her arms.. Rebecca was not wounded, but her mother died. There are now 6 children withour parents, so they brought Rebecca to Amecet, while the clan sort out where the children will go....


Moses was born at home, his mother was home alone. She gave birth to him and even tied and cut the cord by herself. They found her later, laying dead, next to the little baby Moses.



Peter is 5 months old and was referred to Amecet by the Probation Office and a hospital in a neighbouring District. He is severe malnourished and very weak. His weight is 3 kg, while he should be at least 7 or 8 kg. He was also very anaemic and we had to give him blood transfusion twice, but now he is stable, gaining slowly and he can give you a beautiful smile. He will go back to his parents, but first, he needs to gain weight and strength!!


Joan's mother has a mental illness, since she was young she runs around in the area where she lives. She sleeps often outsidej and is always on the move..  Joan was born in the health centre, but her mother escaped as soon as she could. She doesn't want to feed her baby and she doesn't want even to hold her.. The family asked Amecet for help. The baby is small, weighs just over 2 kg. and the clan has to sit and talk who will take care of her.  Joan is drinking well, but she is a small little girl and we are happy to care for her in this vulnerable time.

At the moment we have 19 baby's in Amecet and 2 toddlers. We keep them safe for now and we treat their wounds or sickness. But our goal is that they will all go back to their families. Our social workers visit the families and see if there is an uncle, auntie or grandmother who will be able to care for the child and keep them safe. For now, we feed, treat and love them, but they will go back to their relatives...

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