This was for sure a Celebration!!!! Aaron went home with his new Foster mother and will be adopted into a new family in the future!!

End of February 2024 Aaron was brought to Amecet by the Probation Officer. He was living deep in the village at the home of an auntie, because his mother couldn't care for him. she has a mental sickness. Aaron was very malnourished and had terrible wounds on his body. Especially on his hands, they looked like deep burn wounds. The first days he was just laying on the floor and looked with his big eyes around what was going on..
After his wounds were healed he started to step out, playing with other children, he loved to cuddle and started to be naughty. He gained and became strong.. Our social workers whas been visiting the family in the meantime and together with the family was decided that Aaron was going back to the grandmother this time. But that didn't work out very well, within 10 days he was back in Amecet and the family decided that they didn't want Aaron back, nobody was willing or able to care for this boy. Aaron was doing very well in Amecet, he was healthy and strong and really naughty!!! That is also a good sign, even it is not easy for the staff...

When Aaron came back to Amecet,we got the green light from the Probation Office to look for a foster family who also wants to adopt Aaron. This took some time, but we found a lovely lady who wanted to adopt Aaron. All the papers were filled, the Probation Officer went with our social workers to inspect her home. And everything was ready for Aaron to move into his new forever family...
The Probation Offier came to "hand " him over to his new mother. Aaron was happy and waved goodbye to all of us and they left!!!

Than our struggles....... the first one is that we only work with the half of our staff. Half of our team is free with Christmas and the other half is free with New Year. So it is hard work for all of us...
Then left is a picture of Caroline, she is 13 years old and HIV+. She was not taking her ARV's and was very weak and malnourished. We went to the ARV clinic and they gave her medicines, which we struggle every day to give her.. She is now getting special therapeutic milk, which she doesn't want to drink so we had to give her a NG tube to feed her. At the moment she vomits a lot and has diarrhea. It is not easy. Then at the right, a picture of Jeremiah, he is 4 weeks old and is not gaining any weight. His last weight was 1.4 kg. He has also a big hernia, but an operation he would probably not survive. We took him today for a scan and bloodtest for HIV, but we are really worried about him..
Please pray for Caro and Jeremiah with us..

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