We would like to share with you an update on our Farmland... On May 17th I wrote that we had bought it and all the money was given to the former owners in the office of the lawyer. In the blog of May 17th, I also posted a small (simple) map and there was a funny corner in our land. We were able to buy that little part as well, it was owned by an other person. And now the work has begun.....

First the land had to be cleared and ploughed. That was done by a neighbour, with his bulls and plough!

We made a small wall to hang the gate and the gate is the same as the gate of Amecet and Amun. Then there is maize planted and also sweet potatoes.

Then the cement poles were put in holes, with cement and after that wire and chain link was put around the whole place. We are so thankful that we got the gifts to do this, because it was impossible to start planting in the ground. We would be feeding all the cows and goats from the neighbour hood

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