Last week we got 6 six children on one day, today 6 children left Amecet on one day!! On the blog of October 5th, you could read how the 5 brothers and sisters arrived in Amecet. Since that day, our social workers have been working hard on their case. They visited the village, where they came from, talked with the mother, who is in police custody and with the authorities there. The father was taken by his family to another hospital, far from there. The only family left, to care for the children, were the relatives of the mother, who also lived again in another district. Simon and Elias, our Social Workers, followed up with those relatives and they were willing to take the children and care for them. So today, Simon is bringing them, we made a packet for them, with matrasses, mosquito nets, clothes and some food items. The children were excited to go and Simon left Amecet with a happy crew in his car... It is strangely quiet now in Amecet.... They were a wild group, we had to pick them out the trees, rescue them from the trampoline and get them out of the fights they had with each other, but we did enjoy them, especially Emmanuel, who has Down Syndrome. He came out of bed in the middle of the night, clompetely dressed, because it was light, so it was morning.... there was no electricity in their home.. We had an interesting time with them, but we are also happy that they could go to their relatives and go back to school and be in their normal circumstances....

The other, 6th child who left today is Olivia!! Olivia has been with us for quite awile. she was brought to Amecet by the Police in February 2018, her weight was 7 kg. We think she was 8 months old. Her mother has a mental problem and the child was in danger. The Police brought the child to us and we started to search for the relatives. It was quite a journey, one time Simon even drove with the mother to Mbale, but there she was very confused and the trip was useless. Via other people we got a contact and we found the grandmother. This also took time and effort, because it was far, a 2 hours drive from Soroti. We contacted the Probation Officer from that place and today, Elias is bringing Olivia back home. The mother has been lost for months, but the grandmother is very willing to look after Olivia!!! We will miss her, as she broke many hearts in Amecet.

When we go on far journeys, we try to combine as much as we can, to use our resources the best way possible. Last week we went to Kampala with baby Jane to the Heart institute to check if she was fit enough to get an operation. With the clearance for the operation, we have to go back to the special hospital in Mbale for the hydro cephalus. This is on the way to the grandmother of Olivia. So our nurse, Deborah went, together with the grandmother and Jane (on the picture), along with Elias in the car. We hope that the operation will be done this week, the grandmother will stay with Jane in the hospital.
No news about our little baby Godfrey, he is still the same, hanging in. Please keep praying for him....... and for baby Jane.......
On the picture left, Olivia eats her last snack with us, before going on the journey. Left is auntie Agatha, who is going with Elias to bring her. The other aunties are saying goodbye to her.... Olivia has changed alot in Amecet, she is walking now, starting to talk and she gained 4,5 kg in the 7 months that she was with us. We have enjoyed her and we are happy that she is now going to her own people!!!!

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