It is almost the end of the school year. In our school, Harmony Primary School, we have this year 13 candidates, this are students who are in P 7, and are doing their exams next week. This is a big event in Uganda, those exam results will give you entrance in the secondary school and are very important. Wednesday morning we had a time of celebration and prayers for them. All the teachers and the other 6 classes were present and also several representatives of YWAM Soroti, as the school is part of the YWAM Soroti family. It was a happy time, with singing, and all the other 6 classes did a song for them. A time to encourage them and pray for them. And of course there was a cake........ They have their days of exams on Monday and Tuesday........

In Amecet we have received quite a lot of baby clothes, during the last month. We have at the moment 21 baby's, so we do use a lot of clothes every day. When a baby goes home, (this week two baby's went back to their relatives!!) we always give a small packet home with them. In that packet is a mosquito net, some clothes, a baby drinking cup and their medical book. So we also use the clothes to give home with the baby, but we got so many clothes that we decided to make small bags with 3 clothes items and a half bar of washing soap. And we went to the maternity ward of Soroti Hospital and the maternity ward of Dr. Engulu's clinic (next to us) to give each mother a small gift. It was so nice to do and the mothers were encouraged and happy with it. Some of the mothers were still walking around, waiting for their time of delivery, but this was a special blessing to them. We were able to give out to 53 mothers.

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