The end of May 2019, the Police from a neighboring District brought a little baby girl of one month old.. They had given her the name Betty and the story was that a woman had stolen the baby. She had told people that it was her own daughter, but the people had never seen her pregnant. She didn't give breastfeeding, so they reported her to the Police. There was a doctor's investigation, which also confirmed that she was not the biologic mother. She kept saying that she is the mother and her husband is a soldier who is at present in Somalia. Betty was brought to Amecet, while in the meantime, investigations were done. Everybody loves Betty, she is a little cute girl, ready to smile to everyone... The "mother" even came to Amecet to visit Betty. The husband came back home for a time of leave, they were summoned by the Police to do a DNA investigation, we offered to help with that testing, but they never kept any appointment. They kept dodging the Police, and also us. We heard that the lady worked as a witch doctor. the last story is that the lady, at the end, told the Police that she bought the baby, from someone..... From the Police and Probation office we got the green light to put the picture of Betty in the Local newspaper and when nobody reacted, to find a family for Betty, to foster and to adopt her later on.
We have several families on our list, who want to adopt a child. So it was not hard to find a family, the Probation Officer and one of our social workers went to check the home, all the paperwork was done and today was the big day: Betty went to her new family!!!.

The handing over of Betty was done today and the big sister came with her mother to receive the baby. This is very special, because we know the sister!! She came as a little baby in Amecet in 2011, she was adopted out of Amecet in November 2011. She is a beautiful girl of 8 years now, she is doing well in school and she is very happy with her new little sister!
We are all very happy, Betty is going to a loving family, who wanted her so much. She will get all the chances to grow up and go to school. This is a story with a happy ending!!
Reactie plaatsen
Wat een mooi bericht! Betty is gered!
Wat fijn dat jullie een fijne plaats voor Betty hebt kunnen vinden. Warme groet Jeanne
Prachtig dat er een gezin voor Betty is en dat haar grote zus ook als baby in Amecet is geweest!