In the blog of June 26, 2019, you could read about the process of the adoption by local, Ugandan families. I wrote there about a meeting with the lawyer. For many Ugandan families it is very hard to take the last step for the completion of the adoption. They need a lawyer and they go to High Court. for the final adoption ruling. It is for the future of the child very important that the adoption is finished and legal, so the child will be safe in his/her Forever family! Today the first group came to sign all their papers and to finalize with the lawyer. The next step is the filing of all the papers in the Court and a date is given. On that date the Judge will say the final word about the adoption.
On the picture above you can see a happy family with two foster children: Ruben and Rebecca. Both children were without a family and now they are happy in a family and they have a future!

On the above picture, the foster parents of Patrick (middle picture) and Job (on the right picture on the swing) are signing. It was so nice to see the two boys again! Patrick was found in the night, sitting in the street. He was very sick, and very malnourished and weak. Job was left in the Bus station. Our social workers have tried all they could in tracing for their families, but in vain. To see them now happy, playing, talking and so healthy!!! It brings so much joy to me. The parents are also so happy with them... Job didn't talk for a long time, he was really traumatized, and now to hear him talk........

Today they worked on the papers of 19 children, there were some families with two children. like the twins William and Augustin (middle picture) They were physically abused by their mental ill mother. Now they do well and they are in Primary 2! When this group is finished we will invite the next group to come and the lawyer will finalize all their papers. We are so grateful to the Dutch Organization Metterdaad, who made it possible to help those families with this important last step of the adoption.
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