Maybe some of you remember the twins Brian and Brenda, I wrote about them in the blogs of August 11 and 14. They were born. 2 months premature at the side of the road. Someone brought them to the healthcentre and the healthcentre referred them to Amecet, the mother didn't want to feed them, she has a mental sickness and she ran away, shortly after that.

Brian's weight was 1.4 kg. and Brenda's weight was 1.7 kg. We struggled with them, we had to feed both baby's with an NG tube. Brenda picked up , but Brian did not. He passed away when they were 2 weeks in Amecet, very sad.
But Brenda did well, she started to drink herself and was gaining.
We were in contact with the Police and the healthcentre were the twins came from, nobody knew where the mother had gone.
We did have a picture of her, made in the healthcentre, we also knew that the mother didn't come from Teso, the area around Soroti. She had spoken some words in another language away from the area of Teso. We made posters and our Social Workers went to post them. We also put an announcement in the newspaper, not in the Ateso paper, but in the local paper of Lango, in Langi, the language the mother had spoken. And it worked!!!!! We got a call from someone who recognized the mother and he knew her family, her mother who lived in the village. But the grandmother had no telephone, we asked the man who called to go to that village and talk with the grandmother. Some time went over it, but we got answers and we were pretty sure that this was Brenda's grandmother!!!

Elias and Simon decided to drive to the village to talk with the family and to see how the situation was. It took a 5 hour drive to get to the house of the grandmother. To their surprise was the mother of Brenda also at home, but she was forgotten that she had had twins, the grandmother was old, but very strong and hardworking. She had a small house, which she had build from her savings, coming from selling bananas from her banana garden. She wanted Brenda to come home and she would be the one to care for her.

So today was the day!!!! The grandmother came to pick Brenda, her granddaughter. She was willing to come by public transport, which we paid for her, it was much cheaper than the car driving there,
She was so happy to see Brenda. We asked about the mother and she said that they were given medicines, she was more peaceful and not so much running away.
We pray for this lovely grandmother, for provision and for protection!!
And that the clan will open their hearts towards Brenda.
We are thankful we could help her and care for her, we will miss her, but Brenda is now where she belongs.......
Reactie plaatsen
Good job guys. That the Lord give you a lot of wisdom, again and again.
Gefeliciteerd met dit behaalde resultaat. Alle lof en respect voor jullie. Wat is dit meisje uitgegroeid tot een mooi kind! En wat fijn dat het wat beter met moeder lijkt te gaan. Heel veel succes voor oma die de taak heeft te zorgen voor haar dochter en kleindochter. Wat een prachtig succesverhaal voor jullie!