Since Amecet is on Lockdown, we do not have as many children as normal. When we went into Lockdown we had only 7 children, we had them all in one room, their ages were 0-1 year old. But now we have to open a second room and we have the oldest children in the new room. As of now we have 11 children in Amecet. We got two new born babies, whose mother died after the delivery. Actually one mother died before the delivery, as she needed a cesarean operation, she died before they started, they rushed than and saved the little baby boy. He came only a couple of hours later in Amecet. They were both above the three kg. so that helps, they are doing well.
There was also a little girl, brought via Police and Probation Office. She was tortured by her stepmother. The father was not around, he was looking for work, by digging in people's gardens. The little girl is around 3 years old and is doing also very well, right now as I am sitting in our office, I hear her singing (while it is nap time..). Our two social workers, Elias and Simon are still on standby, They are talking with the relatives of the little girl, they found them, in spite of the Corona time. We try to re-settle her as soon as possible, it might be more difficult to settle back home, when she stays longer in Amecet. But we have to know that she is save of course!!

If you check in some previous blogs, you see the picture of Mary (left), she was parts of twins, but her twin sister died the next day in the hospital. We were struggling with Mary, she didn't want to drink and was vomiting a lot. We have been feeding her with a NG tube for quite a while. She hardly gained, but now it is goes so much better! She is 2 months old and her weight is almost 4 kg.!! And she drinks even 125 ml. from the bottle at her feeding time!! She can smile and we feel so happy that this little girl will live....

The picture left, was in our last blog. Steven was brought in Amecet, because his mother died 6 days after Steven was born, from a intestinal obstruction. Steven was very small, but he is doing well... you can see his picture at the right, taken some days ago. He almost gained 1 kg.!!
He is a beautiful little boy, and he will go back to his father, after this Corona time

People ask me sometimes, how do you do during this Corona time? It is still a bit unreal, We have 15 people working in Amecet, under the daily leadership of Dominique. This are all caretakers, but as we have send our cook, cleaning lady and laundry ladies home, they have to do this work as well. David is one of our compound men, he volunteered to be also in our Lockdown. His family is safe in the village, so he is the one who goes on the bicycle to the market (with face-mask) to buy the fresh vegetables and so on. We are thankful for his commitment! The aunties are all living in Amecet and Amun home, they are not going out and stay also home when they have their free days. Simon, Elias and me are the people who come in every now and then, we wash our hands and are mostly in the office and then we go again. Elias and Simon are still trying to locate families and they are working on the foster children'files with the Probation officer. Right now, Simon is called to the hospital, there is a mother with a 5 month old baby, the mother has a mental problem, nobody knows where is comes from, she doesn't (want t0?) talk. The doctor asked if we could care for the baby for now, because the care is not good and the baby might be in danger. I am doing the shopping for Amecet, since I have permission to drive in our car for Amecet.
The situation in Uganda was quite stable, the lockdown is strong, no shops open, only food stores. no public and private transport, only walking and the bicycle. That is why the Lira road (right) is very quite and empty. There are still no deaths in Uganda, but the last weeks the numbers of infected people are going up. It is all because of the truck drivers. They come from Kenya and Tanzania and also the Ugandan drivers go over the border, they bring a lot of infection to Uganda. Yesterday there were 43 infections in one day, all were truck drivers... We are still in Lockdown, it will be 62 days next week, when we wait for the speech of the President, to hear what will be next.. Face masks are now compulsory, but people are getting inpatient and very worried about the truck drivers. Soroti is on a high way, from Kenya to Sudan. Many trucks drive over the Lira road. We are worried.. People are also desperate to work and to earn money.
I know it is all over the world, you asks yourself, " will it be ever normal again?" I don't think we will be "normal" again, we need to accept and settle into another lifestyle....
I pray we all will be strong and know that God is with us...........

Reactie plaatsen
Again I admire all of you. The commitment what you do. Also my heart goes out the many people who can't work nowadays. We pray for our governments, that they get wisdom from above, how to reign the countries.
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