I am so excited!!!! For many years we have been able to place children (with the help of the Probation Office) into local foster families, but for the families to do the last step, was difficult. It cost money to make the adoption legal and how to do it??? There was an organization in the Netherlands, Metterdaad, who was willing to help these families to do this last legal step. The children will be safe and be a full member of the family and also the clan! We have been working on this project for more than a year, the Corona crisis postponed the hearing in court again. Then the Chief Magistrate, who was also in Lockdown in Soroti, offered to work on all of them and together with the Probation Officer and our two Social Workers, Simon and Elias, all the papers were gathered and finished! This week there is a group of some families every day and we will finish the 50 adoptions.
All the 50 children have now a family they belong to, they are wanted and loved, they go to school and they get new clothes at Christmas!! When I think back of all the stories of where they came from, there was one little boy of 4, he was just left behind in the bus station, another new born baby girl was left behind in the field, and was burned by the sun. There was a baby saved from the pit latrine. Another boy of 3 years was found at night, just sitting in the street. Three little boys living by themselves in the village, or the twins whose mother had a mental problem and she poked into the eye of one of them...….. I can go thru like this, stories which make you cry and wonder in what world we live... I am thankful that we, as Amecet, can make a little difference in some of those stories, give them a happy end..... Of course their life story is not yet ended, but they have hope on a better future!
Keep checking this blog, we will have a small ( according to corona rules) party when we give out the official papers to all the families.. I can't wait to see all those precious children again...…..

They are all so precious in His sight!!!!!!
Reactie plaatsen
Lieve Els en medewerkers. Wat een heerlijk bericht! Ik bid dat dit een generatie wordt die sterk genoeg is om in de toekomst gerechtigheid en liefde uit te leven in hun omgeving. In mijn gedachten zie ik al een van hen, of meerdere, een overheidsfuncties hebben en daar het grote verschil kunnen maken. Daar bid ik ook vaak voor, de weg naar de toekomst in Gods hand. Het zijn zulke mooie kinderen! Liefs van mij.
Wauw, wat geweldig! Dank U Heer!
wow what an encouragement!!. I know a lot of times its not easy, and many sad stories has passed. But this is so good to hear, and I hope and pray that this encourage all of you to keep up the good work.