The Amecet farm is part of the Amecet Ministry. It is set up to generate income for the children's ministry. It is a very valid part of Amecet. We hope that it brings more fruits in the future, like vegetables, fruits, milk and funds. In this blog I want to show you what we have in place right now, with pictures and simple explanation ( because I am a simple city girl :)!).

We started out in 2017 with 3 Frisian cows. We got 2 calves, unfortunately the third calf died. The 3 bigger cows are pregnant again. We still have milk which is brought to Amecet for the children. We were able to build this stable for them.

On a part of the land, we planted Elephant grass, the cows love it and when you cut, it grows again. We have build a storage place where we can keep the grass for the dry season. On the first picture, you see the pipes, that is connected with our solar water pump, it's irrigates the water over the soil, even in the dry season. The cows love the grass, as you can see on the third picture. It is cut by the two men who are working at the farm. And this results in the cow manure, which is brought to Amecet, to feed the biogas, where Amecet does the cooking with!!!

Another part is for the banana trees.. I love the way, how they grow with those beautiful flowers and then giving fruits...... We use them for the children and we will sell them. This is the first time they are giving fruit........

Then there is mais, in Uganda a very important crop, the mais will be grinded into mais flour and is used to make into Posho, which is eaten daily as porridge and in a thick, more dry way with Brown beans.
We are looking forward to a good harvest!!

We planted fruit trees, orange, lemon and jackfruit trees, but we have to be patient for the fruits to come.

At the side of the field, we planted trees, to break the wind and to bring some shade. Some of the trees are planted for the goats we want to bring in, in the future. We want to have dairy goats, and we will use the milk in Amecet for the children. There are certain trees, goats love to eat the leaves from. So the trees are there, now just the goats......
I'll end this special blog with a picture of our three farm guards!!!
During the day they are in their dog house, but in the evening and night, they are free out on the farm and they are tough!!!!
We still have many dreams and plans for the farm, but we want to go step by step. Our core business are the children and the farm will hopefully support that in the future. For now it still costs us more than comes out, we are so grateful for the help we got from De Figurant and from Manoah, two foundations in the Netherlands who supported us to get started on the trees and the stable for the cows. If there are any questions or advice, please let us know..
Hope you enjoyed this blog, the next one will go about the children again, but we ask your prayers for this part of the ministry.

Reactie plaatsen
Dit is zo goed en mooi om te zien/lezen.
Fijn dat het goed gaat op de boerderij.
I did not know there was a farm on the compound! I had heard about something like that years ago and I am very nice surprised that it is astablished. Pray Gods blessing over your work and hopefully it will give income for Amacet.
Leuk om te lezen dat je irrigatiesysteem zo werkt. Het was pas op het journaal dat een boer in Zeeland deze manier van irrigeren uitprobeerde en dat het water bespaart en een betere oogst oplevert. Jullie zijn voorlopers!
I have a suggestion: look up okra. It's a vegetable what grows in a warm climate. And is very nutritious.