Every year we memorize World AIDS day in Amecet. We have a picture of each child that passed away in that year and one of the staff shares a memory of the child and light a candle. It is an emotional meeting, memories come back about the battle we fought for every child. We have also a beautiful bouquet of flowers, next to the candles; they represent all those children who "made" it through Amecet and are now at home with their relatives, or are adopted in their new family. They are going to school or some of them already work.
Through the years we have had 1040 children come through Amecet, we did lost a number of children, but most of them are doing well and are happy. They all appear on our wall of fame, (on the picture above). This year we had no children dying!!!! And we are so thankful for that. It has not happened before. We do get less children with Aids, the mother to child infection has gone down so much. We also didn't get older children who are HIV+ and stopped taking their ARV medication at home. I am not sure why, but I am thankful and happy, together with the staff that we didn't have to go through the pain of loosing a child!!

When Amecet started, (in 2001) God told us that we would be a Doorway to Heaven for some children, and we have seen that. We are thankful that we could care. love and pray for each child that went to the Father. For me personally, was 2019 a very difficult year. Two of my daughters, Sarah and Catherine, went to be with Jesus. I am grateful for the beautiful memories......

Reactie plaatsen
wow. what a special thing, No death to memorized in 2020. We hear so many negative things about 2020. It's so nice to hear about what good things the Lord has done in 2020.