If you have read over last post (from yesterday), you would know that we said goodbye to 8 children in the last 3 weeks. It means that we are left now with only 4 baby's!!! We have never had such a small number of children, but it is also good for us, we don't have so many staff workers and with Christmas and new year, half of the crew is free....
It has not been an easy time for the staff during the Covid 19. When we went into the the tight Lockdown, we had to ask the staff who lived outside Amecet, to stay home. It was too risky to have the staff coming every morning and going home every evening. We offered them to come and live inside, but not everybody could do that. The staff who stayed, was at first not able to go home and to leave the Amecet premises. later we allowed them to go out on their free day. We also asked the outliving staff if they still wanted to come back to work and live inside, several staff members came back and lived in our staff house and in Amun house. It was not easy, and we even had to ask 2 staff members to leave, because we caught them stealing. This are difficult times, we understand that families are in need, but we can't allow this (it was after several warnings). We appreciate the staff so much, without them, we could not continue to minister to these little ones.

On the 18th we had a wonderful Christmas party with the staff. We all had draw a name to buy a present for and we one by one we gave our present to that person. It was fun, with music and dancing, Sharon had brought a sheep for her person and Simon walked after the sheep with a plastic bag under it... there was a lot of laughing. People had really bought nice gifts....

When everybody had their gift we started to open them and it was so nice to see how happy they were with their gifts...

We ended our party with a nice meal, we had ordered from a catering restaurant. It is the last time we are all together this year. On Monday (21/12) half of the team is going to their families to celebrate Christmas, they come back on 28/12, then the other half of the team is going to their families to celebrate new year.
Simon, Dominique and me are working both shifts, but we do have very few staff to work. That is why we were double happy that so many children could go home before Christmas.... We never know if there will be new children come during the Christmas or New Year, but we will be able to handle that...
Please pray for us during those days.....
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