Last Sunday evening, baby Hannah went to be with Jesus....... It was a big, big shock to all of us, because Hannah was doing so well. this was the baby who was found in the bush, still connected with the placenta. I wrote about her in the blog of March 9. We all got to love this little girl and there was a family, who was willing to foster and adopt her... Many questions and tears among the staff...... It was more than a year ago that we lost a baby. Hannah was not wanted by her biological mother, but she experienced so much love from the staff while she was in Amecet, and now she is in the loving arms of Jesus!!!!

In the last blog (April 16), I wrote about the two little babies who were taken into Amecet on April 8th. Good news about them, they are growing well. Deborah's weight (at the right) was 950 gram and William's weight was 1200 gram. They could not drink by themselves, so we feed them via a NG tube. Every 2 hours we feed them, check their temperature, check their diapers and record what we find in them. They lay in a special room which we keep warm and that has become our intensive care room!!!
Because it is intensive.... we started with 5 ml. milk per feeding, they could not handle more, today we give Deborah 22 ml. per feeding and William 25 ml. We had to help them with the pooping, we play with the blankets, when the temperature goes high, we take a blanket away, but overall they can keep their temperature quite well.
After 3 weeks, Deborah weighs 1360 gram and William weighs 1645 gram.
We are happy with every gram they gain and every day they become stronger and more cute!!! Pls. keep praying for them, they are still in a risky phase.
Amecet Children's Home has been registered as a legal Children's Home with the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Developments since 2017. This was quite an establishment!! There are many homes in Uganda, but there are not many approved homes.. It brings more work, in reporting and being accountable, but we feel it is important to go with the laws of the country!!
On April 15th, we got many visitors, to inspect the Home and to hear our achievements, challenges and plans. The Minister, the National Probation Officer, the Commissioner all from Kampala and also quite a number of the Soroti Government officials came.
It was a good meeting and we felt encouraged by their reactions!!

This list (left) was a part of the report we shared with them. And we had the pictures on our Wall of fame, to prove that all those numbers have a face.
I am so humbled and thankful to God and to all the people who have stand behind Amecet, all those years!!!!
Keep on praying for us and keep supporting Amecet Children's Home, our desire is to see the children shine again!!!

Reactie plaatsen
Beste Els, lang geleden dat ik iets van me heb laten horen hier. Van harte gecondoleerd met het verlies van kleine Hannah. Maar hoe bijzonder dat jullie haar hele korte leventje met liefde hebben gevuld! Het verbaast me niet dat jullie zijn geaccepteerd als officieel kinderhuis. Volgens mij is er geen betere in het hele land. Mooi ook die foto met de officials er bij. Ik bid dat God je niet alleen zegent maar ook je gebied vergroot en je een lang leven geeft. Veel liefs, Ineke Knoeff