James was brought to Amecet after his mother passed away. During the pregnancy the mother had been sickly and the delivery was too early. Around 6 weeks early. The baby was born, but then suddenly the mother started to bleed and died..... James was very small, weighing only 1,6 kg, he was at risk, so the family brought James to Amecet. That was one week ago. We laid James in the medical room, with the windows and door closed it is a warm room. We took him to the doctor next door and James was put on IV medicines and we started to feed him by NG tube. There is a place in another district, where we can get special pre mature formula. We order it and they bring it to our home. We use that also for James. It looked to go well, but two days ago he started to have a temperature. For premature baby's it is difficult to maintain their temperature, so we check it every two hours and if it is higher we take away a blanket, if it is low, we ad a blanket. Normally that is enough. But with James not, he started to vomit a bit. We took him back to the doctor, and his medicines were changed, the milk intake a bit lowered and we observed... Two nights ago, his stomach started to grow and was a bit hard. When I came in the morning early (after some phone calls in the night), I took him back to the clinic next door. James had many prickholes from needles, I think even in the hospital, where he was born,, they tried to get a vein to give him IV medication. The cannula he got the previous day was blocked again... his veins are so tiny and now we had to stop the oral feeding and only give him IV fluids, so we had to get a new cannula.

I went with James to the clinic next door. Pricking a vein in a sick, premature baby is not easy, especially when the baby is pricked many times and the veins are destroyed. It will take some time to recover from that.
The two nurses worked on James for one hour, trying to find a vein, prick and then discover that the vein had collapsed. I was praying the whole time that they would find a vein and that they would not give up...... we needed a vein!!!!
At the end they found a vein and with the instructions from the doctor, I went back to Amecet. The first thing was putting him on oxygen. we have a saturation meter and it showed a low level of oxygen in the blood. After that I started to work on the medicines..
I brought some soda to the nurses next door, to thank them for their help..
This how it it is: James is laying in our medical room, he is still on oxygen, gets his medicines by IV and every three hours we give him IV fluids. he looks much better, but this morning the vein was blocked again........
I went back to the neighbors and asked again for help, the same nurses were very willing to come with me to Amecet, because James is on oxygen, it would be better to leave him on, while they were working on him. We were all scared for another row of pricks, but the second try was good ... we were all happy with that.
It is very intense to care for such a small, sick baby. One of our nurses, Sharon is staying with James during the nights, giving him IV feedings and his medication. During the days , Dominique and me are the ones caring for him.

Please stand with us in prayer for this little boy. Pray that his veins handle the IV medicines and that we don't have to prick him every day, in search for a new vein.......
Pray that he can be off the oxygen, that his lungs can handle it.
Pray that his digestion system can handle the milk formula again.
Pray for us, the staff, we have 18 baby's in Amecet at the moment, no it is 17, this morning Nalibe went back to his family!!!!
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Incredible costly life worth fighting for!