As I was getting ready to have breakfast and to leave to Amecet, we are going to the burial of Emma, I got a phone call from Simon. Josh died yesterday evening.......... Josh is also one of the boys we had living with us in Amecet in 2003. After living with us for a while, we re-settled him back with his relatives, his grandmother and his uncles. He died in the same hospital, here in Soroti....
This is too much, it is a bit the same story as Emma, not taking the ARV's right and not accepting his HIV+ status. It is so painful when you see that the youth is not seeing that they are as smart as others, that they have talents and opportunities, that HIV does not mean that they are worthless. We tried hard to let them know that they are so valuable, that they can dream about their future, but now two great guys, just dying a day after each other...
I know that they suffer because of stigma, but they all got opportunities, if they would just believe in themselves.....
Simon went to the hospital to help with a coffin and cement for the grave. We are going to lay Emma to rest today and tomorrow we are going to lay Josh to rest........
Pls. pray for the youth
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