Jeremiah was born in the village on 1/12/2024. His mother has a mental sickness, nobody knew the mother was pregnant, nobody knows his father. The mother gave birth at home, she was alone at that time. Jeremiah was a preterm baby, very small and very weak. He was her first born baby. The baby was brought to the health centre and from there, Jeremiah arrived on the third of December in Amecet. His weight was 1.5 kg.
We had to give him a NG tube to feed him, he only could drink 5 ml. milk per feeding and then he was too tired to suck more. He could just look at you with his big, beautiful eyes. He started to loose weight, that is not abnormal, most babies loose some weight after being born, but then start to gain again. Jeremiah didn't start to gain weight, he kept on loosing and we were very concerned about that. He was put on antibiotics, because his unsafe way of being born, with his mother alone in the village. Blood tests were done. nothing really came out of them. We fed him every two hours, day and night. After some weeks, we felt he needed some more time in between the feeding to rest and sleep, so we changed in every 3 hours feeding. We gave him special milk formula for low birthweight babies. but his weight went down to 1.3 kg... The doctor came to see him, even the paediatrician saw him in Amecet. When he was 1 month old, I took him for HIV test, that test came also back negative... He started to gain a bit, 10 gram per week. So slow, and he got malaria, several times.... His HB went down, so we took him for sickle cell test, this test came also back negative. He got a blood transfusion, which helped him a bit again, gave some strength, but yesterday he crashed... His heart rate went down, his saturation went down. The doctor prescribed him some IV medication and he was put on the oxygen machine. The staff was with him all time, to keep an eye on him and to let him not go alone in case he would die.
This picture was taken yesterday, when he was also on the Oxygen machine. Today he is a bit better, his heart rate is good, saturation is good and he wants to drink when we feed him.. He gained this week 5 grams. His weight is 1.375 kg. and he is 8 weeks old. We love this little man, but yesterday we really thought that he would go... We could accept that, but now we still do everything we can to help him, to care for him, to love him...
Pls. stand with us in prayer for Jeremiah???
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