Jesica passed away last night, just before 11 pm. We have been going to the doctors with her several times, she was diagnosed with Neonatal Sepsis. She probably got it at birth, because when she was born, her mother started to bleed and the family organized an ambulance to take the mother to Soroti Hospital, for blood transfusion, but the mother died on the way. The baby was also in the ambulance. They went back home and the baby was brought to Amecet. The symptoms started some days later and resulted in her death last night. Every time it is so painful. to see this beautiful little girl, laying in the coffin, inside feelings and emotions of sorrow, of anger, of doubt (did we do all we could have done??).
We had a small coffin made and together with the grandparents, Simon and some of the staff members, we drove to the village, where the family lived and where the mothers was buried, not even 2 weeks ago... My heart went out to the family, as they sat, under the tree, around the small coffin with the body of Jesica. They had sat like this, only 12 days ago, around the body of the mother of Jesica...... We shared what had happen with Jesica, the time she was in Amecet, they thanked us for our care and that we brought the body home.... Then we left them to mourn and bury the little girl next to her mother....
God have mercy on them!!!!!!

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