Today was a special day for baby Gideon and for Job!!! They were going home with their new parents!!!On December 14, 2017 Job was brought to Amecet by the Police. He was found in the bus station and was a very traumatized little boy of around 5 or 6 years old. He didn't talk and was wild, he was scared of people. You can read in the blog of January 26 about his story and how we tried to find his relatives... But today he went with his new parents to his new home.
This are his new parents, a lovely, older couple who have been in Amecet before. On the blog of 23rd of January, you can read that they adopted Patrick from Amecet. Job was happy, he doesn't show much, but he was sitting with them and felt very comfortable with them. I believe this couple can make a different in his life. We have seen already a lot of changes in Job, but still a lot has to happen .In our blog of April 14, Patrick and his parents came to visit us, it was good to see Patrick and to see that they are a family. Today,Job got also his new family and his new brother!!

Then baby Gideon, you can read his story in our blog of January 16th. He was born on the streets. The mother disappeared and the father... was not the father. We took him for a DNA test and that showed that he was not the father of the baby. Gideon is a beautiful little boy, everybody fell in love with him!!! But he also needs his family and this family also adopted before a child via Amecet. On the blog of April 14, the parents came together with Jesica to visit us, it was the same day as the parents of Patrick and Job came. It was beautiful to see them today with their new son!!

And after the Probation officer handed them "officially" over to their new parents and they got their care orders from the court, they walked out with their new children! (before the probation officer and our social worker had visited and inspected their homes) Gideon was carried by his mother and Job was carried on the back of his mother. The fathers went outside the gate to get a motorbike taxi, for going "HOME"!!

It was a very busy and a bit chaotic day, I want to end this blog with a prayer request for baby Jesica. We went this morning with her to the clinic and now she is on IV fluids. Jesica is a baby of 12 days old and her mother passed away after the delivery. She came in Amecet only hours after her birth. We have been struggling with her for days, but today, we took her to another clinic and had several blood tests done. She has a neonatal sepsis. We started right away IV antibiotics. Please pray for this little girl, that she will come through this....

Also pls. keep praying for Betty, I wrote about her before. There is no improvement.
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