In Amecet, we care for baby's, that is how we are known, but lately we got three girls of 11, 15 and 16 years old, who were brought by the Police. The 11 year old girl was raped by her HIV+ stepfather, she was not pregnant, but the danger was that she is also infected by the HIV virus. We took her to the doctor for tests and she got one month ARV medicines as prophylaxis. After one month we took her again for a HIV test, she was negative!!! Last week we took her for her last test and she is still HIV-!!! We are very happy for her and our Social workers are now looking where the best place will be for her, she has never been to school before. We took her to Harmony Primary school, in P1, and she loves it!!!
The other two girls (of 15 and 16 years) are both pregnant. The pregnancys are 32 and 30 weeks old. We took them for a scan and to pre-natal care, which is in the clinic, next door. One is pregnant of her stepfather, her mother doesn't want the girl to come home now and she never wants to see the baby (her grandchild). The other girl had ran away from home, some time ago and got pregnant, The boy first denied, but later agreed. Our Social workers went to search for the family of the girl. She gave at first another name and was scared to reveal where she was from... But they found the family and they were very happy to hear about her, they thought that she might have died... They came to visit her in Amecet and we all agreed that she will stay in Amecet until the baby is born. The home in the village, is far away from a health facility and because she is so young, she needs to have good pre-natal care and help with the delivery.
This is again a new ministry, within Amecet. There is not much help for those young girls elsewhere. Please pray for the three girls, for their emotional and physical needs. Pray also for us, that we can be there for them........
Reactie plaatsen
Wat triest dat deze kinderen dit mee maken, maar wel geweldig dat jij er bent Els met alle mensen die je helpen bij dit werk. Heel veel sterkte voor jullie allemaal. Ik mis het nog steeds en hoop zeker nog een keer bij je te komen helpen.
Wat vreselijk voor die meisjes die zijn misbruikt door hun stiefvader. En wat een zegen dat zij en dat andere zwangere meisje een veilig haven hebben gevonden bij jullie. God bless you!