This picture is taken a couple years ago, we had a meeting with the families who foster a child via Amecet. They all want to foster, to adopt later. I am so thankful for these families, they are willing to open up their home and heart to a child who has no family or home. We get children who are abandened by their parents, or just left behind in a bus station or in a maize field, we had a small boy, who was found at night, alone sitting in the main street. These children also need love, care and protection. As Amecet, we do the first aid, but then, they need to belong somewhere.........
We get also baby's whose mother has a mental illness, they sometimes leave the children behind, or put them on the street. Often the Police will bring those children to Amecet and our Social Workers try to trace the mother (who often left Soroti already) or the relatives of the mother, by putting the child in the newspaper, on the radio and with posters hanging in town. Sometimes we get the relatives, but more often nobody reacts. Then we look for a family who is willing to foster and later adopt the child. We are so thankful that more and more Ugandan families come to Amecet with the request if they can adopt a child. Then they go through the process with the Probation Office, fill the forms, every family gets a homevisit from our Social Worker and the Probation Officer. If everything is in fine, they get a care order from the Court. and the Probation Officer hands the child over to the family. As of now we have handed over 37 children to Ugandan families and at the moment, we are in the process of 5 more children. It is such a joy, to know that all these children have a future now and that they are wanted and loved!!! There are several families who have adopted one child and they come back for a second child! I have a lot of respect for the families, most of them are not rich, but they are willing to share what they have, with a needy child!!

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A beautiful new website Els!
Always impressive to read.