Every year we invite all the older HIV+ children, who have been with us before in Amecet, for the Amun week. A week full of teaching, singing, sharing and having fun together. This year the theme is: "all things are possible, when I believe" and we gave them all a T shirt with the theme at the back. The children arrived on Saturday, they are all staying in Amun home, with some in Amecet home. We have a tent in the compound of Amun home, in the tent are all the meetings. We have 50 children staying with us, so we got extra staff to help with this event from the YWAM base. It is such a joy to see them back, some are now teenagers and they are going to secondary school. To thin k that some were baby's when they were in Amecet, or toddlers. To see them all back gives me such an encouragement, all the children are HIV+ and they all are taking their ARV's, but they are a testimony that it is possible, that they can live normal lives. Of course it is not always easy, there are problems and specially when they are getting older. We try to listen to them and also to give advice and encouragement,. There are also children from 10, 11 and 12 years old, they have still to learn a lot, but it is so good to see the older children, take care of the young one's.

This first picture was taken during the teaching of Dominique, she was showing what it is to trust someone... (see picture 2)

Several girls came to the kitchen to help to sort the rice for Lunch, because we know that the children can eat a lot!!

We celebrated Dominique's Birthday, with water balloons, but she took the bucket on her head!!!

At the end of the afternoon, we played games. It was such a fun, to see all the children play, even the older one's, were very active.
Tomorrow another day..........
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