Today we started with singing clapping and dancing, we only had half of the tent, because the other half had collapsed. Yesterday a big rainfall came down, just after our games and the tent fell. They came with new poles and while we were singing the tent was set up again. Julius is leading the singing, together with Sharon and Samuel.

Iris gave a teaching about how God believes in you, she used the example of David, how God had mighty plans with David. God knows our name, He has also mighty plan with us..... We all wrote our name on a tag and decorated it. Sorry that the decoration is not seen on the picture.. Peace translated into Atesso, so that everyone will understand it good.

The second teaching was done by Julius and Andrew translated. He talked about honesty, how we all struggle with it at times. The children gave stories about their experiences with lying and being honest. In the small groups in the afternoon, we talked about this in more details. We have 4 small groups, in the different age groups we have.

Just after the teaching of Julius it started to rain!!! And not just a bit of rain, but a down pour! We told the children to go into the house and we tried to get the water out of the tent ceiling... It was a lot of water that came down! After a while, the rain stopped and the sun came out again, like it happens in Africa. It was warm again and our programme went on. We dried the chairs and we went on,.But when we came on the game time, dark clouds came again and we decided to do musical chairs and that was fun, we just made it before the first drops came down. All in all it was a good day, we look forward to tomorrow!!
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