Maybe you remember the picture (left) from 17 days ago, 2 crying miserable little boys. They were weak and malnourished. Today I made the picture above. And we are all amazed about the difference we see in the two boys. They are smiling and playing and Francis, (at the left) is walking everywhere. They are eating good and they love to drink milk, which helps a lot when you are malnourished!!
They even got a new friend, (picture at the right) Alphonse was brought 4 days ago to Amecet. Both parents disappeared and the grandfather cared for him. But he struggled and Alphonse is malnourished now. But even Alphonse can already walk and he walks around and he plays. Our group of toddlers is growing,
We have 4 toddlers again, Raphael is also among them, but he is too sick to walk now. He sits on his blanket and plays sometimes a little with a car or so, but for the rest he can't do much. The doctor gave us morphine, which helps against the pain. We try to make his life as comfortable as we can. If he asks for bananas, he get. The other day we had soda's for our staff meeting and he also wanted soda, we give, he is still eating well, he loves porridge. But it is hard to see him suffering.....

Three days ago we got a new baby in Amecet, baby Emmanuel. His mother was operated and died 6 days later, she had an advanced liver sickness. Emmanuel was 10 days old when he came to Amecet. His weight was only 1.8 kg. and he was a full term baby!! Emmanuel is very small and he has a cleft lip, his pallet is okay. But he had still yellow eyes, that is not so serious with newborn baby's, but Emma is already 10 days old!! So yesterday and today we went to a clinic in Soroti, Dokters Plaza, where they can do a lot of laboratory tests. It took some up and down driving, after the blood was taken we brought the baby back home and later we went for the results. Today we had to do some more tests and the doctor wrote some prescriptions for him. Mary gave him a canulla , which was not simple, his veins were so small. but she succeeded and he will be on IV treatment for 5 days. His liver is not infected, so that was the good news. In his first days, when his mother was so sick, just before she died, he was not fed well and he was dehydrated. His lip can be fixed when he is bigger, we are very happy that his pallet is fine and it is only the lip. He drinks much better then the day he came, so we have good hopes for Emmanuel!!

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