As Amecet, we not work only with baby's. We still follow a group of vulnerable children (HIV/AIDS and Orphans) even when they go to secondary school. They all have been living in Amecet when they were young and Amecet has helped them through the primary school, when they were living with their relatives and even in secondary school. There is a group of 5 girls in a secondary school in Soroti, they are in boarding and yesterday was the visitation day. There is one visitation day per term (3 months). So families come to school and everywhere people sit in little groups and eat together. Simon's son and daughter are also in the same school, so we were in a big group!

Josephine and Mary preparing the food and everybody enjoys the meal! We also had a birthday to celebrate, Faith, (the daughter of Simon and Josephine) became 18 years old the day before. So there was even a cake!!

Elias, on this picture at the back left, is one of our social workers and he is also responsible for this project. He pays the school fees for them, which come out of the "Tante Suus" funds. You can read on our website under "projects" about this funds..
He also visit the girls in school and see how they are doing, if there are any problems. It happens frequently that we get a call from the school that they are sick etc. So this is quite a ministry and he is doing a great job, trying to stimulate them to study and to work at their future.
We have already a nurse, a lab technician, 3 nursery teachers, a primary teacher, several tailors and a welder. And most of them work in their profession and can manage to earn a living!!
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