Christine was brought in Amecet on 7th of Feb. 2019, only just 2 months ago, very weak, sick and malnourished. The mother passed after excessive bleeding after the delivery. Christine was very small, her weight was only 2 kg. In the beginning, I was afraid that she was not going to live...... But she did!!!!! We had to feed her by NG tube, she was on IV medication and IV fluids, but she fought and we could give back to the father and the grandmother, a lovely smiling baby, weighing almost 4 kg!!

The difference between these two pictures are: two months time, almost 2 kg, a lot of prayers, care, going to the doctor, feedings and cuddles!!

Another good news: On 22 March I wrote about baby Emmanuel, we have been going with him to the doctor several times, because of his liver functions. His weight was only 1.8 kg. He also went on IV fluids and IV medication and he also needed to be fed by NG tube. But he is doing well, and he pulled out the NG tube by himself, and we left it out, to see if he would now drink enough by him self... and he did, his weight is now 2.3 kg!!! Mary took this second picture of him, he was sleeping and she called his name, he smiled...... isn't he sweet???

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