Dear, Dear Raphael,
When you came to us in November, you were so weak and sick.
We took you to the doctor and there we got the confirmation that you had that terrible disease, AIDS,
but we had hope and started you directly on the medication..
We did have worries about those enlarged nodes, but we prayed and hoped that they would disappear after using the medicnes
After a little while, you became stronger, you started to move around, playing a little...
But the swellings in your neck were growing and later we found out that you got also that other terrible disease;: Cancer...
I am so sorry Raphael, it seems so unfair, that you with your 3 years, had to carry both sicknesses and had to go through all this..
We tried to help you, gave you your special blanket with the pillows in the middle of the hut.
You sat there as a little King and we served you as a little King!
You got porridge when you asked for it, Bananas when you wanted them, Auntie Dominique gave you sweets...
And yes, you were a child, sometimes you cried, because you wanted a sweet or sitting on the lap with auntie Agatha...
A sweet, some soda, it brought a smile on your face, and your smile made our day, so we loved to give you what you asked for...
We saw your leaving come closer, we were sad, but also glad that your suffering would soon be over.
Today it was the day, we didn't know yet as we all gathered around you to pray, to release you and to ask God to take you in His arms...
5 minutes after our prayer, the Father just did that, He took you in His arms and you were gone....
Many of us cried, we miss you...
We miss your smile, we miss our little king on his pillows asking for bananas,
I am sure there are bananas in Heaven and your are enjoying them, right now!!
Dear Raphael, you were truly loved, we are thankful that we could be with you in this time,
your struggle is over, the pain is gone....
Enjoy the loving arms of your Father......
Reactie plaatsen
Very grateful I am, that you all gave this sweet creature Raphaël so much love. The death of little children is against nature, the laws of life, but if the facts are there, it is so beautiful they get so much love and care as little Raphaël.
Thank you for this and for sharing.