We got a phone call, on 7/8 about twins from a health centre in the village.. Simon went there the next morning, the mother of the twins had given birth at the side of the road. Nobody knows the mother, she was alone and she is mentally retarded. Someone helped her and brought her to the health centre, but she refused to breastfeed and than we were called. The baby's are very small, their weight is 1.7 kg and 1.4 kg. We brought them to the Doctor and they were put on IV antibiotics. The second day, Brian got breathing problems, because they are premature born, their lungs were not ready yet for the world, so he is put on special medicines and on the oxygen. We feed both baby's every two hours via the NG tube. Today they are 5 days old, we do all we can, they are in a special warm room and we pray they both make it.... Every day is one day of more feeding and strength!! We have pictures of the mother, and we have several stories of her, we want to know where she is from, so we can contact her relatives, she is not able to care for the baby's, It is another tragedy.....
Left is Brenda, right is Brian.

Another story, the baby on the picture left is called Daniel, he is 8 months old, but the grandmother doesn't know his real day of birth. He was brought to Amecet via a health centre in the village and the Grandmother came with them to bring him, 2 days ago.
The mother of Daniel has a mental problem and she moves around, at the moment, nobody knows where she is and she left her baby at the grandmother, the father is not known. The grandmother tried at first, but the condition of Daniel is not good, he is malnourished and very weak. he has wounds in the mouth and he doesn't want to eat or drink. We had to give him also a NG tube to feed him. At the clinic, several tests were done and he has aenemia and the rapid test shows HIV+, we are waiting for the results of the PCR test (also for HIV).
We are worried of Daniel, because it looks like if he doesn't want to live, he doesn't react on anything, he sleeps most of the time.
Pls. pray for Daniel, that he gets some strength from the feedings we give him and that he gets some interest in the world around him..
Pray also for Brenda and Brian......

Than some good news to thank for: on the picture left is Susan, I wrote in July about her, look at the picture from one month ago and now!!!! She is doing very well, gaining and developing.....
Then the picture at the right, another twins! They are 11 months old and they were brought to the care of Amecet almost 2 weeks ago. Their mother is very sick, the two girls were very weak and malnourished. It is amazing to see that the second born of the twins is so much bigger than the first born.
But they are eating well, smiling and starting to play, it makes us happy to see them getting better.
We pray that Brenda, Brian and Daniel will also pick up and start shining......

Reactie plaatsen
Hallo Els.
Er gebeurd weer zoveel bij jou op Amecet.
Denk wel eens, wat zou er met al die kindjes gebeuren wanneer jij er niet voor ze was?
Vast niet veel goed.
Denk heel vaak aan jou en het werk wat je doet.
Hoop dat er telkens goede krachten en zegeningen over je heen komen.
Veel lieve groeten.