Goodbye to Brian.....

Gepubliceerd op 21 augustus 2019 om 15:57

Today we had to say goodbye to Brian, we have struggled for 2 weeks, but today he left us.....We took his twin sister close to him, to let her say goodbye to her brother. What a difference in those two small baby's... Brian did a good fight, it amazes that this little boy can fight so long... he was on the oxygen machine throughout and got several IV. medications.. A tribute to the staff, who stood with him so closely, during the 2 weeks he was with us. It is sad to let him go, but we know, he will be loved in Heaven. Our Social Workers are now busy to get permission for burying him in the burial ground of Soroti Municipality, we have not found relatives and the mother has ran away.. Normally a child will be buried at the family/clan home, but with Brian it is not possible.

The house is quite full, On Friday we got a new boy of around 8 years. He was brought by the Police, his father had kicked and beaten him, his arm was terribly swollen and his fingers were very cold.  I took him for X-ray and his elbow was broken. We went to a clinic and he had to be admitted, and his arm had to elevated, before they could do anything with the elbow. The swelling went down and they helped him on Sunday and I could pick him with his arm in plaster.. The Police is still looking for the father.....

Emmanuel is  doing better now, he had a lot of pain before, but now he tried to play. We got him already from the slide and out of the trampoline, that is a bit too much for his arm....

One of our Friesian cows gave birth to a male calf!!! Everything went well and mother and son are doing good.!! We have still one more cow to go, we expect her calf in a week or three. Than Amecet is proud of her livestock of 3 cows and 3 calves!! The milk supply for Amecet is now also increased and we are happy with that!

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Het leven gaat door met mooie en minder mooie dingen. Dankje weer voor het fijne geschreven verslag. Ben met jullie dankbaar voor de dingen die goed gaan. Dankbaar voor de hulp en veiligheid. Nodig bij ellende en trauma. Denk zoveel aan jullie