We are happy for Abel!!! He went today to his family after being in Amecet for more than 9 months!! His story was difficult and very sad. He was born in the Hospital via a Caesarian section. The mother of the father cared for his mother in the hospital. But in the night the mother killed her mother in law and it was a drama!! The family of the father didn't want anything to do with the baby. The farther brought the baby to Amecet. Abel was small and we had a lot of struggles in the beginning, like if he knew what was going on...... After some months he picked up and started to grow and everybody in Amecet loved him!! In the meantime Elias, our Social Worker tried to talk with the family, it was a difficult process, but Elias had patience and at the end, (after 9 months..) the family was ready to take Abel in their family. The elder sister of the father came, together with the grandfather, to pick him today!!! She looks like a nice, friendly lady and we pray that Abel will be loved and will grow up as a member of the family!!!

The sad emotions are for Grace, she passed away yesterday... She was only with us for 5 days, From the day she came, we felt for her, weighing only 3 kg and being more than 11 months old!! She was HIV+ and severely malnourished and dehydrated, after the first emergency IV fluids and medication, we took her for X-ray and scan, it came out that she had also TB. We fed her by NG tube, because drinking and eating was too much for her. She was very quiet, she only looked at you with those big, sad eyes.... Yesterday she was fed and she was laying in her little chair, the person who had fed her turned around to do something with another child and when she looked back at Grace, she was gone.... just quietly, without any struggle or sound... We were shocked, we would have loved to see her come up and smile, but I guess it was God's grace to take her, this little girl had suffered so much, it was enough. Maybe God brought her to Amecet, just for her last days, to be carried and loved and prayed for. I believe we were a doorway to Heaven for Grace.
We went to to the mother, she was not at home, so Simon left some money for a boda (bicycle taxi) at the neighbours for her to come to Amecet. She came quite fast, not yet knowing why we needed her. When she was told, she broke out in crying and I had to work at my my emotions.... I wish the mother had cared for her while she was alive, there were really mixed emotions. It is not to me to judge, but it is hard not to do so, in this situation. Later the family came to get the little body of Grace, they were going to bury her that same afternoon.
Grace, we loved you, may you have peace and joy with the Father Who cares for you!!!!
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