We said goodbye to 7 children......

Gepubliceerd op 5 september 2019 om 15:58

Innocent, is one of those 7 children. I love this picture, he stands  so tough, with his hands in his pockets... It is only 7 weeks ago that he was brought in Amecet, malnourished, dehydrated and sick......Now he is strong, happy and he gained almost 3 kg. and he plays all over the compound.  he was abandoned by both of his parents. Our Social workers went to talk with the relatives and the family of the father (where the children normally belong) didn't want him, but they found the family of the mother and they were willing to take him and to care for him. When we brought him back, they first thought it was the wrong child, they didn't recognize him. We pray that the family will like him and care for him. he is a cute boy and easily to love.


Vicky went to her new foster/adoption mother! She was born in the hospital, but her mother had a mental problem and walked out of the hospital. We were called to come and help with the baby. We knew the mother and also her family. So we tried first to find someone among the relatives to care for Vicky. But they were not able and asked us to find a good family for her. We did and Vicky is loved and very much wanted in her new family!!

Do you remember baby Susan? I wrote a blog about her on July 3rd. You would not recognize her today!! She gained 2 kg. in 2 months and is a very happy, healthy baby! 

She was very behind in her milestones when she came, she is still behind some now, but she is doing so much better! She is lovely when she smiles and is a content baby. Her father came to pick her and the grandmother will help him to care for Susan, since the mother had passed away .

Then Miriam went back to her family, that was also not easy, we picked Miriam from the Police station, the mother had a mental problem and there was confusion if she was really the mother.  The grand father and the auntie came to pick her and to take over the care of Miriam. We had given her the name Miriam, but the grandfather said that he liked the name and asked if he could keep that name. It is sad that the mother can't care for Miriam herself , but she is mostly on the road and doesn't stay at home. But we know that Miriam will be loved and cared for.


It has been hard lately, to loose  two little baby's  than it is also good to see the positive side, the children who are doing good and are able to go home healthy. There is also a lot of development in and around Amecet. We are growing and changing, that is for the next blog!!

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6 jaar geleden

good to hear that a few babies are going back to their families.
It is nice to keep following your work at Amecet. Ameset will always take an important place in my hart👍