Every year we remember on World Aids Day, the children we lost in that year. Every year it is an emotional event!! This year we remembered 10 children, they didn't all passed away in Amecet, 5 of them died at home or in Hospital, but we do include them in our remembrance. This year we had the Amunweek starting the day before, it had even a deeper meaning, because three of their friends were among the children who had passed away..

We all gathered in the living room of Amecet, the children of the Amun week and the staff of Amecet and one by one the children were mentioned and their picture and their story were projected on the wall. One of the staff read it aloud and lightened a candle for that child.. It was emotional, tears were flowing, all those children we cared for, we had held them and we had loved them. Knowing that they have no pain and sickness anymore and that they are with Jesus, is our comfort.
For me personally it was also very emotional, two of my daughters were among the children who had died.

We ended with a time of Praise and Worship, it was really a special time...In everything we do thank our Heavenly father for His care and love. We do know all those children are with Him and we thank God for the life we experience right now. Knowing all those children and where they came from, I am so thankful for them, the way they are now. I thank God for this!!
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What a grace you are able to find so much support in your faith and in the wisdom of the Heavenly Father.
1 Vraag: bij het zien van de herdenkingsmonumentjes, zie ik dat de kinderen een Ugandese en een Westerse, Christelijke naam hebben, met welke ze aangesproken worden. Waarom is dat? Is het niet vreemd om bv opeens Emma te heten, terwijl je jezelf kent als Adaun?
Een mooi kerstfeest gewenst