We have had a great week, there were around 42 children, the youngest was 10 and the oldest was 19. Our theme this year was from John 15:15, "I am a friend of God". We had our focus on Friendship, how do you make friends? Do I have friends? Am I a friend to others? We had teachings about relationships, family life, HIV/AIDS and taking ARV's every day, Openness and acceptance of HIV+ status. Personal Hygiene and Education. Every afternoon we went into 4 groups, to talk more in depth about the teachings of the morning and these groups were than in age groups. In every group was a lot of talking and they had really picked up from the teachings. Even the young ones of 10 and 11 years could come with such a good questions.
There were games in the afternoon and we did a lot of singing!!! They love singing and our song of the week was: I am a friend of God. I think they all will sing that at home in their village!!

On the last day, we made a "Friendship connection" , we all had a small robe and we tied them all together, so that we got a network of robes. We are connected by God's Love to spread this to others via the Friendship Network!! It was fun and they understood that we all need a friendship network, also when we are back in the village, that we all have to be active to make that network work!! We closed the day with a nice meal and a soda!! All the children went back on Saturday morning, with a Christmas gift for their family! It was a happy group who left the compound, back to their villages and families. we can look back on a good week, we see a development in them, they are more open than last year, we pray that they stay well and take their medicines every day and will be able to take life positively.

Reactie plaatsen
You did it all again. Make the difference for this special group white young people. You and your team are soo good.
I am happy you all had the energie for it and I hope it gives you too.
I am so happy to see this picture from this week and what the STAFF do for this children . GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU .