Today , we celebrated Christmas as Amecet family, we were with 39 people!! Also the guys who work in the farm, the extra holiday staff and all the caretakers, the Kitchen staff, the guys who work in the compound, the laundry ladies, the whole family!! It was really fun, we had all gotten a name and we prepared a gift for that person. One by one we gave our gift to that person on the beat of African music.

There was hugging there was laughter and there was a lot of fun!!!!!

Then the unwrapping, that was fun too, everybody was happy with their gifts, people had really do the best they could, to bless the other person!

We had organized a meal from a caterer. On that way we didn't have to cook and no dishes. Also nice for the cooking ladies.... It was nice and everybody enjoyed the food. We had a great time together and it was fun to see everybody enjoying. They can be really crazy and I am proud of the staff!!
While we were enjoying our fellowship we got a phone call from the Police, there was an abandoned baby of 3 months, if we could help?? So Simon went with one staff to pick the baby. Life goes on, we started our afternoon with a small devotion, a story about that Jesus is among us and all that we do to the least of us, we do to Him. So when we celebrate His coming to this world, we are still available to work in His Spirit and with His attitude,

Reactie plaatsen
Zo fijn het jaar samen afsluiten met plezier en respect voor elkaar. Genieten van de catering maaltijd moet heerlijk en een echte tractatie zijn voor iedereen. Goede reis Els en Helen.