The children are our priority, they were in 2019 and they will be in 2020!
It has been a while since our last blog. I have been on leave for one month. Maybe you remember that I lost two daughters, in June and July 2019. I really wanted a break and be with Christmas with my relatives, so I traveled with Helen, my other daughter to the Netherlands. We had a good and refreshing time. Last week we came back to Soroti.. They had done very well, some children had gone home, some new children arrived, so in this blog I just do some stories....

It is such a joy to see Daniel changing and developing!! The first picture was taken when he was brought to Amecet in August 2019. He was very sick and malnourished! After testing we found out that he was HIV+. so he was started on the ARV's. After more testing, because he was not really doing so good, he also was diagnosed with TB, so more medicines were added.. But look now, on the second picture, he is crawling all over the place, he is playing, smiling and doing so well.!!! It is a joy to see him and we have forgotten the days that we had to struggle with him to give him his medicines and to feed him. He is with us now for 5 months, longer than most of the children, he will go to his grandmother, but we want to be sure that he is stable and that she can handle him.

In October 2019, the twins Patricia and Patrick (2.4 and 2.7 kg.) were brought to Amecet. They were born by Cesarean operation, but unfortunately, the mother had passed away after the operation. The family asked our help, we took them into Amecet for 2 months, knowing that they were at risk at home, without a mother and being twins. They went back home last week! Weighing 4.1 and 5 kg.! Patrick is the biggest and he is also so cheerful, as you can see on the picture. The family was so happy to receive them back, they can drink cow milk and will soon start the porridge, they can now survive in the village and they are surrounded by a loving family.

And this are some of the new children we got in December and January. The stories are sad and painful. One of the babies was found in the village , laying in a pool of blood, still connected with the placenta. The mother had gone, but he was born right there and left to die. There are two brothers, whose mother committed suicide, there is no family and the two children are brought to Amecet. Another baby was abandoned in the hospital, another baby lost her mum after the delivery, and so on.... Many painful stories... we do our best, we feed and give them love, we want them to feel safe and we work at the background where they will go......after Amecet.
Reactie plaatsen
Thank you for the updates. So glad to hear you were. Able to be with family over the holidays. Praying God will bless all of you t.his year!
I admire you so much Els, and Amecet staff. That you keep taking care of those loved ones, again and again. Because good and sad stories keep continue. That the Lord will be your strength.