Home, just in time......

Gepubliceerd op 31 maart 2020 om 16:29

Uganda is locked, no public transport, no private vehicles...…. Yesterday, we send all the staff who lives outside Amecet, home. In the evening, the President spoke to the Nation, from 10 o' clock pm, no more  vehicles (among other restrictions), we have a curfew from 7 pm until 5 am.  All the staff from outside Amecet are at home, a group of 14 ladies, agreed yesterday, to go  in quarantine with the children who are left in Amecet…. Just yesterday, Simon went with the two boys, Emmanuel (10) and Abraham (4 or 5?) and the Probation Officer to bring them to their new family.....

Maybe you can read the blog of February 7, where I wrote their story and how going to school, changed them already so much......

They lived in the village with their mother, who was struggling so much and couldn't cope with life anymore. She hang herself, leaving the  two boys behind. The Police brought them to Amecet and we have been searching for relatives, but all in vain, several times we have put their picture in the newspaper, but no reaction. We got the green light from the Probation Officer to look for a foster family, who wants to adopt them after the foster time. We found the family!!!

Yesterday Simon and the Probation Officer were going to bring them. Emmanuel cried when he climbed into the car, Abraham was excited to go on a trip. They have had a good time in Amecet, they were loved, got their food on time, they could play and go to school, they could be normal boys (with being naughty at times!), but Amecet is not a good place for them for long term, they need to go to a family.... Amecet was good for them to be, after all the tragic and emotional things what happened to them, but now they need to go to a family where they can belong and grow up...

Simon told us today, they were so warmly welcomed, the couple was so happy to receive them and the boys felt it, they relaxed and smiled. Normally the couple would have come several times to Amecet to get to know them, but because there is no public transport for one week, they saw each other now for the first time! The clan leader was also present and he told  Simon that he was so happy for the family, because there was nobody to inherit!!!! Is that not great.... Those two lonely boys are now the heir of this family!!

I am so thrilled about this, and I felt to share it with you, in this time of bad news all around. 

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Truus van Middelaar
5 jaar geleden

Wat een prachtig verhaal Els. Zo blij voor die 2 jongens dat hun tij is gekeerd.
Door de komst bij Amecet en al zijn zorgzame en lieve mensen. Rust en zorg. Nu een echt eigen huis.!!! Heel blij voor hun en voor jou.

5 jaar geleden

Thanks for changing the lives of so many children! You are a blessing! Praying God will keep you safe and give you strength in the days ahead!