This is a part of our Amecet-Corona team!! We miss some people, they were sleeping after their night duty and before their night duty of tonight... This is the team who is locked in with the children in Amecet. Dominique leads the team (at the back, right) with her daughter Apio Ruth. Our rock in times of need, David, is also there, he is the one who runs to the market to buy the fresh food. and he helps with all kind of other things in and around the house. All the staff who lives outside Amecet are at home. Simon and me, got both a pass, from the authorities, so we can come in the car to check on them (with 1.5 mtr distance) and to help if anything is needed, like milk, food or medicines. Today we got a request from the RDC if we could bring some help to 14 children, who were with their mothers in the prison. This is what Simon and me than do.

We do want to ask your prayers for little baby Mary. You see her picture at the right. She is part of twins and her birth was very traumatic. Mary was the first one who was born than they discovered that there was another baby coming, but this baby was breech and didn't come out, so they did an emergency cesarean operation, the second little girl was born, but had difficulties with breathing and was put on oxygen in the hospital. Mary, the first baby, was vomiting a lot and the mother passed away some hours after the second baby was born. The next morning they brought Mary to Amecet and the second baby stayed on oxygen in the hospital, but also passed away after some hours... Mary is very small and still vomits quite a lot, she is gaining a little bit and we feed her by NG tube..
All the 6 baby's and one toddler are now in one room, this helps us in cleaning, because all the other staff is at home, the team has to clean, cook and do the laundry as well as caring for the children.. They do a great job, the spirit is good and they all work together as a team. The children are loved and cared for and we do not have sick children.. We have asked their relatives not to come to visit them and we are closed for all other business.

Please keep us in your prayers, there are a lot of problems everywhere in the world, but when you have read this, please take some time to pray for the team and the children.. We appreciate your prayers and support!!
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Hoi lieve Els, wat geweldig dat deze mooie lieve mensen voor de kinderen zorgen. Heel veel respect voor ze, maar ook voor jou die dit zomaar moet over geven en vertrouwen dat de Heer heel dicht bij is en jullie allemaal beschermd.
Bid voor jullie! Lieve groetjes Anneke
Dear Amecet family. I'm so proud of you, that you sacrifice yourself to stay at Amecet. I hope and pray, that is will be a blessed and rich time. May the Lord bless you and keep you, May His face shine upon you and give you peace.
With love, Anjo